I believe that religion is mostly artifacts of premodern cultures that, in ancient times, created all powerful deities to explain and cope with the unknown. I believe that overzealous piety has led to horrors such as the inquisition and to dogma that at times becomes so rigid that it blatantly contradicts scientific proof (and oftentimes common sense). However, I cannot deny the importance of spirituality, a sense that one's goals can be bigger than just looking out for oneself. Studies show that patients that pray have better outcomes than those that do not. Is this God or just a placebo effect? Who knows? Bottom line: I have no proof that a god exists or that the universe is anything but random atoms assembling and disassembling without a design or creator. But until he slaps me in the face I am going to go the common sense route and lump him in with Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy and the Boogie Man.
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