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Who will get the Republican nomination for 2012?

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  • Who will get the Republican nomination for 2012?

    It's early, but who do you think will get nominated and why?

  • #2
    Since I know it'll be no one worth a shit, might as well just leave Obama in there. Anyone the masses of the GOP pick will be just as bad. At least we have a good target for jokes with this cawk.


    • #3
      Good question. Not ducking the question here, but to me, it doesn't matter. I'll vote against the socialist every time, no matter who opposes him.


      • #4
        ME!!! My slogan for 2012 is "No more Bullshit!" I think there is one of my bumperstickers already on your lemons car too!


        • #5
          Originally posted by aggie97 View Post
          ME!!! My slogan for 2012 is "No more Bullshit!" I think there is one of my bumperstickers already on your lemons car too!
          I may have spoken too soon. Aggie vs. communist...hmmmmmm.


          • #6
            Not Romney


            • #7
              Originally posted by 8mpg View Post
              Not Romney
              I'm afraid he will and at that point IMO it doesn't even matter who wins the presidential election.


              • #8
                Anyone that opposes him, is better than Obama.


                • #9
                  That's the thing, I don't really think he does one bit. He strikes me to be as phoney as they come. Willing to say anything to get votes, but you never know what the hell he would actually do.


                  • #10
                    We have got to have a change.


                    • #11

                      It amazes me that we have a communist wacko in the office that needs to be voted out and not one decent candidate to run against him.


                      • #12
                        There are plenty. People are listening to the press way too much. Don't let MSNBC, CNN, or the NY Times tell you who to vote for.


                        • #13
                          Of the ones that are realistic contenders, I'd like to see Pawlenty get the nod.
                          "It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself."


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Vertnut View Post
                            There are plenty. People are listening to the press way too much. Don't let MSNBC, CNN, or the NY Times tell you who to vote for.
                            Hit me with that list of plenty, because I've yet to run across a single truly viable candidate. It'd make my day if you toss Palin out there.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by helosailor View Post
                              Of the ones that are realistic contenders, I'd like to see Pawlenty get the nod.
                              Ya, the guy that supported the regional cap and trade program... great.

                              In all honesty, my vote will go towards Paul until I hear something better. Many think he's batshit crazy, but his plan is what the US needs to fix itself. We're broken in just about every way. Funny thing is, the shit Paul has been screaming for years and being laughed at are now today's hot topics. I dare someone to debate with him on those right now. He's already got 30 years of preaching against any of the candidates. LOL

                              On another hand, if we can get Perry into office, then we'd get him out of the state.

