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TSA caves in soldier's ribs

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  • TSA caves in soldier's ribs

    Pt 1
    To watch this video in slightly higher resolution and with better sound click below Settled: http://www.revie...

    Pt 2
    I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool

  • #2
    I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


    • #3
      I usually don't comment on use (or misuse) of force posts, but I gotta say this is fucked up. Vegas is easily in the top 5 of corrupt departments around the country. And for them to a.)not even charge him and then b.)accuse him of using his uniform as a "soapbox" is just inexcusable. As much as I hate the ACLU and feel that they are in large part the reason we are a country of pussies, I hope they make the two officers and everybody else involved in the so-called "investigation" pay dearly.

      Oh yeah, and fuck the TSA!
      "It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself."


      • #4
        You stupid asshole. It wasn't a TSA agent that kicked his ass. It was a Las Vegas cop.
        How do we forget ourselves? How do we forget our minds?


        • #5
          I've been called worse by better people Geor. Metro was acting with the TSA. It could have been stopped at any time.
          I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


          • #6
            Originally posted by helosailor View Post
            I usually don't comment on use (or misuse) of force posts, but I gotta say this is fucked up. Vegas is easily in the top 5 of corrupt departments around the country. And for them to a.)not even charge him and then b.)accuse him of using his uniform as a "soapbox" is just inexcusable. As much as I hate the ACLU and feel that they are in large part the reason we are a country of pussies, I hope they make the two officers and everybody else involved in the so-called "investigation" pay dearly.

            Oh yeah, and fuck the TSA!
            This is quite funny. First off I know first hand about people using their uniform to get what they want. This guy is one of them. I absolutely hate seeing soldiers running around wearing their uniforms everywhere (like this guy). I am a veteran, and it is all for show because they think everyone owes them something. His first mistake was not obeying a lawful order. You can see him in the video resist when the officer tried to grab him. Then ball his fists up and not complying. Could have been alot worse for him. Instead he whines till he gets the charges he deserves. I would have charged him with failure to obey a lawful order and resisting arrest. Then he would get his article 15s or worse from the army. He was ordering an officer what to do lmao.... That is pretty funny alone.


            • #7
              I wasn't basing my displeasure on the basis of the callout about the uniform alone, not by any means. It's just one of those things that makes them (as public officials) look bad by stating the obvious. I'm sure there's another side to the story. Was he a perfect angel throughout? Doubtful. He even admitted to dropping the F-bomb at least once.
              What I'm not happy about is that this is yet another example of abuse of authority. The LVPD and the TSA could have behaved MUCH more professionally, but they followed their unofficial S.O.P. and did not. Both have quite a history of such abuses and those that are supposed to keep them in check, yet again, did not.
              As to the TSA agent being a LT? That was kind of glossed over, but for someone to be a LT in the NG and to be a TSA agent for a civilian job...I dunno, it just doesn't add up to me.
              Everybody involved in this case could have come out of it much better if they each would just learn the meaning of one simple word...respect.
              "It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself."


              • #8
                Originally posted by helosailor View Post
                I wasn't basing my displeasure on the basis of the callout about the uniform alone, not by any means. It's just one of those things that makes them (as public officials) look bad by stating the obvious. I'm sure there's another side to the story. Was he a perfect angel throughout? Doubtful. He even admitted to dropping the F-bomb at least once.
                What I'm not happy about is that this is yet another example of abuse of authority. The LVPD and the TSA could have behaved MUCH more professionally, but they followed their unofficial S.O.P. and did not. Both have quite a history of such abuses and those that are supposed to keep them in check, yet again, did not.
                As to the TSA agent being a LT? That was kind of glossed over, but for someone to be a LT in the NG and to be a TSA agent for a civilian job...I dunno, it just doesn't add up to me.
                Everybody involved in this case could have come out of it much better if they each would just learn the meaning of one simple word...respect.
                I agree. You know the soldier didn't ask politely for the officer to pick up his 1$ like he said lol. He was pissed because he missed his flight. You can tell that just by the video of him returning to tell the tsa just what he thought. If you ask me he asked for it. He is the one that decided to come back and start stuff with the tsa and the officer, not vise versa.


                • #9
                  TSA and police are supposed to be professional enough not to react to someone 'asking for it.' I know there were several Iraqi's who 'asked for it' and I didn't lay a hand on them. I stood there and obeyed my ROE. The officer should have said "I'm sorry you feel that way, would you like to talk to a supervisor" instead of beating him with a baton.

                  Now, that said, what would have happened if this occurred, the cop starts wailing on the soldier and the soldier reacts as a soldier is trained to and took the baton away and beat the fuck out of the cop in self defense?
                  I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
                    TSA and police are supposed to be professional enough not to react to someone 'asking for it.' I know there were several Iraqi's who 'asked for it' and I didn't lay a hand on them. I stood there and obeyed my ROE. The officer should have said "I'm sorry you feel that way, would you like to talk to a supervisor" instead of beating him with a baton.

                    Now, that said, what would have happened if this occurred, the cop starts wailing on the soldier and the soldier reacts as a soldier is trained to and took the baton away and beat the fuck out of the cop in self defense?
                    Lol, ok now your just too funny. When you are ordered to do something by an officer, I suggest you do it. There is no " would you like to talk to my supervisor"..... lol. You see on the video the officer attempting to grab the guys arm, the guy pulls away. That is resisting. If you don't understand that then you are in some dream world. Lol you are not a LEO in Iraq, you are in someone elses country. So regardless if they "ask for it" or not chances are the only thing you would know how to do is put a bullet in their head.

                    Soldier reacts as a soldier is trained? What branch were you in. Because lets be honest, Hand to hand combat in the military is a joke. If he would have faught the officer then it would have ended really badly for him. If he would have somehow got the baton from the officer then he would have been dead so why compare that?


                    • #11
                      Looks like you need to take a look at the video again. First we have no idea what is even being said. I am guessing the officer is telling him to get on the ground, the soldier is in a defensive stance the whole time. When the officer swings his baton the guy is blocking it and has his fists balled up. I was trained every time you swing the baton you are telling them to get on the ground. I am sure somewhere in there this officer did. It is clear he is defensive in that video. This is a joke of a video, just some pussy trying to whine.


                      • #12
                        I'm infantry. Combine that with a good case of PTSD and anyone swinging at me is going to have a very pissed off 300 pound guy on them. I'll work on bail later. Clenching your fist is actively being a threat? Really? And tasing him 5 times is necessary?
                        I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                        • #13
                          Please change the title to something a bit more truthfull. Its wasnt TSA it was metro police!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
                            I'm infantry. Combine that with a good case of PTSD and anyone swinging at me is going to have a very pissed off 300 pound guy on them. I'll work on bail later. Clenching your fist is actively being a threat? Really? And tasing him 5 times is necessary?
                            Actually he was tased 3 times. They are done in i believe 5 sec intervals. You get a second or 3rd jolt if you still arent complying. It isn't as bad as he explained it. Pepper spray is 10x worse imho. Thats what he would have got if he pulled from me and showed aggression. Not just clinching your fists. Everything combined. He already wasn't following orders, was boasting about being in the army, resisted arrest, and so on. Plus whatever he was saying, all that combined is an active threat.


                            • #15
                              If you listen to it, they pulled the trigger 5 times, it misfired twice. I've been tased and pepper sprayed and I'd prefer none of the above.
                              I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool

