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This crap pisses me off to no end
If they pass something like this in Texas, then this will be my official warning to any cop ot govt official that unlawfully enters my home. If you enter without my permission, I won't bother going through the justice system which won't do jack shit to rectify it. I will take care of my own business with you. If not immediately, then later, after you've forgotten what you did.
I seem to remember a guy killed a couple of cops who illegally entered his home, not a damn thing happened to him. I mean of course he had to explain some shit, but he couldn't even see that they were cops he just fired and he got both of em. He was some paranoid fucker, who thought they were trying to kill him or something. But they did enter the house with no warrant and no cause, after forcing the door open.
Originally posted by StanleyTweedle View PostI seem to remember a guy killed a couple of cops who illegally entered his home, not a damn thing happened to him. I mean of course he had to explain some shit, but he couldn't even see that they were cops he just fired and he got both of em. He was some paranoid fucker, who thought they were trying to kill him or something. But they did enter the house with no warrant and no cause, after forcing the door open.
Let see, the cops break in, and he's paranoid? Sounds to me like he knew something you, me and every one else, does not. He got the drop on the jack booted thugs didn't he? I'm thinking his "Paranoia" payed off big time.
Originally posted by tazz007 View PostSome paranoid fucker? '
Let see, the cops break in, and he's paranoid? Sounds to me like he knew something you, me and every one else, does not. He got the drop on the jack booted thugs didn't he? I'm thinking his "Paranoia" payed off big time.
Originally posted by Sean88gt View PostSCOTUS will shut this down.
Originally posted by StanleyTweedle View PostNo I was actually giving a medical description of the man. He was on medication (or had gotten out of the hospital or some shit) and was sitting there with his gun already out and that's how it ended up that he had the drop on the cops. Who would have of course came in with guns already drawn. He got off scotfree so them trying to actually label him as paranoid wouldn't matter either way.
Originally posted by Sean88gt View PostUpholding the Constitution? There is no way they allow the Indiana law to stand.
The DPD officer that was shot in the head and killed a year or two ago entered a drug dealers apartment on what was probable a no knock entry but they have yet to admit that it was a no knock entry. The Dallas DA is dragging their feet on the prosecution and I doubt that it will go to trial. The shooter had a record and will get time for the gun and dope but he may make it on the capital murder. The rumor going around the court house is that there is a tape of the entry and it doesn't back up the official version of the story as given by the police.
In general I am completely against no knock warrants. I don't believe that the police should be allowed to use paramilitary tactics against the citizenry. On the other hand I am also against people shooting our men and women in blue but they kill a citizen or 2 by mistake from time to time and nothing happens to them so I am willing to allow a citizen to shoot them by mistake as well. By that I mean a completely innocent person who shoots and kills an officer by mistake when the officers enter their home illegally and unannounced and the persons didn't know that they were shooting an officer.Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.
Originally posted by Forever_frost View PostI believe if there is a no knock dynamic entry, the homeowner should always be allowed to open fire on the intruder. They are defending their homesLast edited by Broncojohnny; 05-15-2011, 01:51 PM.Originally posted by racrguyWhat's your beef with NPR, because their listeners are typically more informed than others?Originally posted by racrguyVoting is a constitutional right, overthrowing the government isn't.
However, I've gotten into some heated discussions about that with our police officers on here. This police state bs has to stop. We can't kick in random doors in Iraq, we have to warn EVERYONE before we do it and those citizens have more rights than we do against being bothered by our government. I've already met up with my sheriff a couple times, both times I was armed and reminded him that on my property, I'm the final say. And do you know what? He agreed. But then again, my home isn't set up for officers to get crazy and come power sliding up and do a dynamic entry on.I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool
You think they warned OBL?j/king I understand what you're saying.
To me, even if you don't include rights common sense should apply. Come plowing through someone's door who owns a gun, unidentified, you're going to scare the shit out of them and possibly get shot. My place is dark enough at night that between those flashlights, being tired and so forth - I'd not be able to tell who the hell it was coming in the door.
Either way, generally being a fairly damned good citizen - the cops should never be barreling through my door. Innocent or not, cops are in a bad spot plowing through a front door.Originally posted by MR EDDU defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.