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China Pressuring Pakistan For Downed U.S. Stealth Helicopter

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  • #16
    On one side, its probably the Pakis just wanting more money... or they wouldn't say shit about it and just show the Chinese without the media hubbub.

    To be honest, I really doubt the Chicoms would really learn that much new info.

    Hell, they are hard at work reverse engineering the Raptor as their spy network continues to make us look like idiots.

    From the data being presented, it looks like a lot of work done on the old LHX project transferred to a modified version of a Blackhawk helicopter.


    • #17

      Outsourcing seems to be the thing these days. Use the check we have been giving Pakistan and hire the Jews to go get the part. Pay a bonus if they take out the building too.


      • #18
        Originally posted by FastFox View Post
        Outsourcing seems to be the thing these days. Use the check we have been giving Pakistan and hire the Jews to go get the part. Pay a bonus if they take out the building too.
        We have plenty of assets in country to handle that type of operation ourselves if Obama deemed it necessary. Sure they might figure out the outer skin is actually some sort of cloth and they will get the basic profile of the tail rotor, big deal, it's not going to give them any kind of technical advantage over us.

        The Chinese are already using that same design for the tail rotor on their submarines. The exact specs are a nice gift but without the exhaust system and main rotor design they aren't going to help much. All they'll be able to do is try and retrofit some of their own helicopters and hopefully crash a few in the process and eventually give up on it.

        Stealth is an entire package, if you can't figure out how it all goes together just having a couple of pieces isn't going to do you any good. They have an inefficient tail rotor with some weird outer finish, nothing more. They'll spend billions of dollars trying to figure it out.


        • #19
          Who cares, have you seen what happens when the Chinamen try to copy a Mercedes? lol
          Originally posted by racrguy
          What's your beef with NPR, because their listeners are typically more informed than others?
          Originally posted by racrguy
          Voting is a constitutional right, overthrowing the government isn't.


          • #20
            Those lowlife thirdworld scum want any advantage they can have over us. Perhaps a new and much more virulant sars needs to occur... all on its own. Yes... all on its own.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Denny View Post
              This was all set up for the Pakis to fail so we can start another war front. I just had a meeting saying that they plan to have all civilians off this base by October 1st and military within 2 weeks after that.
              Will we attack Pakistan?


              • #22
                Originally posted by 78X View Post
                Will we attack Pakistan?
                We already are. You're only hearing of the UAV strikes that actually kill people AND are recorded. We will just use this to increase the fluency and expant our Afghan front. Look at a map. Who are we surrounding?

                We'll probably threaten more UAV strikes and to pull funding directly to the Pakis, then settle to not stop payment (which we wouldn't anyway) to a compromise of some bases allowed to be set up in Pakistan.


                • #23
                  It sure sucks dealing with these pricks now that they have nuclear weapons.


                  • #24
                    Just on the news that we got the tail section back, and it's in our custody.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Pro88LX View Post
                      Just on the news that we got the tail section back, and it's in our custody.
                      The secret is out. I want to see pics of this bird.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Pro88LX View Post
                        Just on the news that we got the tail section back, and it's in our custody.
                        I'm really surprised... but then again they did keep it for two weeks.


                        • #27
                          Bet your ass we paid major dollars for those pieces...


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Pro88LX View Post
                            Just on the news that we got the tail section back, and it's in our custody.
                            Before or after the chinese got to learn everything they could from it? I don't like those scum looking at our stuff. I hope we have some shit aint nobody ever even dreamed of, all locked away somewhere. Break out the reverse engineered UFOs!


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by ALLAN View Post
                              The secret is out. I want to see pics of this bird.
                              The tail looks like the Comanche


                              • #30
                                Seen that Hulk remake movie? That's them.

