If you would like to help:
Come this Thursday, open to close, (7/21) at the Ghengis Grill in North Fort Worth(6600 N. Frwy FTW, TX 76137) to support one of our family friends. Just tell them you are here to support Candice.
Her name is Candice Stinnett. She was previously an emergency dispatcher for Westlake. She is 25 years old with a 6 year old son. This is her fourth round with Lymphoma. She had stem cell therapy last fall and just found she had tumors on her lymph nodes around her stomach with her recent check up.
She is trying to maintain a positive outlook, but recently mentioned she would just like to take her son on a trip to Disney World before unable. She did qualify for a Disney card, but could still use some help with that and so many of her growing medical bills.
My fiancee knows one of the managers at Ghengis and they have agreed to donate 20% of the sales this day. You have to mention you are there to support Candice. We need at least 60 people. I think that will be easy.
Pm me with questions...
*I was asked about donating to Paypal, but not yet. You can donate at the function though if your wish. Thank You, Mike
Come this Thursday, open to close, (7/21) at the Ghengis Grill in North Fort Worth(6600 N. Frwy FTW, TX 76137) to support one of our family friends. Just tell them you are here to support Candice.
Her name is Candice Stinnett. She was previously an emergency dispatcher for Westlake. She is 25 years old with a 6 year old son. This is her fourth round with Lymphoma. She had stem cell therapy last fall and just found she had tumors on her lymph nodes around her stomach with her recent check up.
She is trying to maintain a positive outlook, but recently mentioned she would just like to take her son on a trip to Disney World before unable. She did qualify for a Disney card, but could still use some help with that and so many of her growing medical bills.
My fiancee knows one of the managers at Ghengis and they have agreed to donate 20% of the sales this day. You have to mention you are there to support Candice. We need at least 60 people. I think that will be easy.
Pm me with questions...
*I was asked about donating to Paypal, but not yet. You can donate at the function though if your wish. Thank You, Mike