I haven't been to this exact one before but it should be pretty big. You get a card with all of the beers available and for $30 ($25 if you buy online) you get to sample 10 of them. It's 4 ounces of each so yeah it's more expensive than buying 4 Bud Lights but seeing as how most of the beers you can sample are $10+ a serving it's not a bad deal.
My favorite part though is that most people won't use the punches for the "monster beers" and they'll leave their cards for others to use. I went through at least 5 other cards at the last event I went to. Sure all the St. Arnolds and Sierra Nevada punches were used but there were plenty of the good stouts available. I'm sure I personally drank 20 ounces of Mephistopheles, the best beer I've ever had.