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Time for a New Grill...Suggestions?

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  • #16
    After 10 years with my Costco "The Classic" I got a hookup last week for a Weber Summit S-470. Holy crap this is a damn good grill. Just using two of the burners puts the temp at about 500F. I only need the other two burners if I'm cooking more stuff. There is a fifth burner in the middle for the "sear station" to quickly cook steaks and the like.

    This goes with my Weber Performer charcoal grill that I use for BBQ.

    The Big Green Egg is pretty good and high quality but I think it is over kill. The Weber Performer charcoal grills last a long time, cost a lot less, and do just as good of a job. They also have a larger cooking surface than even the largest of the Green Eggs.


    • #17
      Originally posted by stangin4lyfe View Post
      I went with a stainless Ducane(was built by Weber) 5 burner and it does work on whatever I throw on it.

      Got it off craigslist for a great price.
      Got it home, it leaked, but I replaced the seals in it and cleaned it really good and it was like brand new.
      Some of the best $$$ I have spent!
      Purchased a second grill to experiment on recently.
      This time I went with a charcoal grill and went with a Kamado Kooker(green egg knockoff) based on the reviews online and a friend owning one.
      Much cheaper than a green egg as well(also used a Lowe's 10% off coupon).


      • #18
        I was eye fucking the shit out of this at academy the other day. Im sure it doenst do anything really well, but it damn sure does everything!

        "If I asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses." - Henry Ford

