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New Year's Eve smoke

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  • New Year's Eve smoke

    Who's cooking. I've had my pit going for an hour and a half and right now I'm staring at my Maverick ET732 on my desk with my dog at my feet. Got it as a Christmas present and this is my first time using it. Set up seemed simple, to the point I won't need the instructions after doing it once. I've got two pork butts on the pit. Pics will follow.

  • #2
    Just threw down a rack of spare ribs.
    Why put off till tomorrow what you can put off till the next day?
    -Fred Sanford


    • #3
      Why put off till tomorrow what you can put off till the next day?
      -Fred Sanford


      • #4
        Ribs look good. My 9.5lb pork butt will be done in about 30 mins I wish I could say the same about the 6lber. That little piece of shit is pissing me off. It's taking forever for it to bust through the plateau.


        • #5
          Two racks of spare ribs, jalapeño cheddar venison sausage, spicy vensison sausage, mushroom caps stuffed with sage sausage and Romano, bacon wrapped japs stuffed with sage sausage, Romano, and cream cheese, and Asian wings. All smoked.
          Originally posted by BradM
          But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
          Originally posted by Leah
          In other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.


          • #6
            Here are some pics that I forgot to post last week.

            My new toy.

            Pulled the butt at 200 degrees and foiled and rested it for 2hrs. Turned out great. Sorry no pics after it was pulled. It went quick.

