Originally posted by Vertnut
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His issues aren't with getting to balls, especially down the left field line, but with fielding them. Aside from that, no one has a range issue with getting to balls down the 3rd base line; they may have issues with reactions or making backhanded grabs, but your ability to get to a ball on the third base line is not going to change in the slightest no matter what kind of range you have. The ball travels too quickly to that part of the field for that to be a factor. It's not called the hot corner because you've got a day and a half to run balls down.
Second, on the other hand, is a range position. First covers everything right down the first base line and if he can get to balls to his right, great, but it's the second baseman's job to cover everything to his left so that the first baseman doesn't have to. It's the reciprocal to the SS/3B situation on the left side of the infield.
Stick to women's soccer.