Maldonado to lotus...hopefully Grosjean dominates his ass. I suspect he gets in at least 5 incidents with all being the fault of new car regulations or the other driver. I cannot stand that a pay driver won out over hulk.
Hopefully checo and hulk end up at force India and dominate together.
Next year is going to be away season with so many new drivers and multiple lineups pitting drivers against each other for the #1 spot.
I think we will also see loads of mechanical failures. With increased cooling demands, I can see it either hurting redbulls ability to capitalize on downforce, or further strengthening them when they figure out how to keep downforce and proper airflow for cooling.
i like the tire test.
i'm fine with a salary cap but i dont think they can inforce that so it's fucking pointless.
i don't like the permanent number thing.
there is good and bad to the finale being worth double. (this year it would have just made vettel's total points higher!).
Just looked it up...fucking lame. Some oil prince must have paid out the ass or something. Anyone know why this changed?
My guess is that they're trying to move the newest (Russia) and second-newest (Austin) races up in the calendar to better positioned to be relevant races for the sake of the championship; I think this is driving the double-points finale, as well.
Also for the sake of logistics. Russia can't be too late, and the way they've drawn it up makes things relatively reasonably from a logistical standpoint.
i like the tire test.
i'm fine with a salary cap but i dont think they can inforce that so it's fucking pointless.
i don't like the permanent number thing.
there is good and bad to the finale being worth double. (this year it would have just made vettel's total points higher!).
I like the pernament numbers if it reflects the teams glory years or the year they are known for. prime example.
McLaren #11 #12 for 1988
Ferrari #27 #28
Williams #5 (has to be red)
Los Angeles Rams 11-5
Last Game - Loss vs. San Fransisco
Up Next - vs. Atlanta