Been there, done that, about 100 times. Ours were directly behind the visitor's bench. Get ready for this to ruin every other basketball game you attend for the rest of your life.
Btw, they aren't floor seats unless you're in the folding chairs.
Originally posted by BradM
But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
been there, done that, about 100 times. Ours were directly behind the visitor's bench. Get ready for this to ruin every other basketball game you attend for the rest of your life.
Btw, they aren't floor seats unless you're in the folding chairs.
Been there, done that, about 100 times. Ours were directly behind the visitor's bench. Get ready for this to ruin every other basketball game you attend for the rest of your life.
Btw, they aren't floor seats unless you're in the folding chairs.
we were FF, fuck the folding chairs..
and they are my mommas season tickets.. achoo, achoo