No, but it IS worse to punish players for something they weren't involved in, than punishing them for getting paid to play.
Surely the distinction is obvious.
Meh. You could say the players weren't involved, but I'd be shocked if there were players that didn't know what was going on, and if that's the case, they deserve blame too.
Beyond that... Players don't decide to pay themselves. The schools do that. So, in a way, you could say players weren't involved in that scandal, either, in a sense that they weren't the ones committing the scandal. Sure, they received checks, but who is going to turn down free money?
Originally posted by BradM
But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
Meh. You could say the players weren't involved, but I'd be shocked if there were players that didn't know what was going on, and if that's the case, they deserve blame too.
So... this is pure speculation, right? Okay, so we can throw out this little nugget.
Beyond that... Players don't decide to pay themselves. The schools do that. So, in a way, you could say players weren't involved in that scandal, either, in a sense that they weren't the ones committing the scandal. Sure, they received checks, but who is going to turn down free money?
Wow, that's a strrreeeeeeeeeeetch. The players were VERY MUCH involved with SMU's scandal. Everyone involved knew that accepting payments violated NCAA rules, otherwise they would have just listed them as an expense on the school's financial ledger and the payments would have been widely known.
So for the window lickers:
Crimes involving students + faculty = death penalty for entire football program
Crimes involving faculty only = death penalty for football staff
When the government pays, the government controls.
So... this is pure speculation, right? Okay, so we can throw out this little nugget.
Yes, it is speculation. But if other staff members walked in on him molesting a kid in the showers, it's not far fetched at all to think that some players saw the same thing.
Wow, that's a strrreeeeeeeeeeetch. The players were VERY MUCH involved with SMU's scandal. Everyone involved knew that accepting payments violated NCAA rules, otherwise they would have just listed them as an expense on the school's financial ledger and the payments would have been widely known.
So for the window lickers:
Crimes involving students + faculty = death penalty for entire football program
Crimes involving faculty only = death penalty for football staff
Not a stretch at all. The players were cashing checks. They didn't write them, however. What don't you understand about that?
There is absolutely no way to punish the staff, without punishing the players. Even if you fire the entire staff, from the AD down, the players suffer. At least the NCAA gave the players an out, by allowing them to transfer and be eligible for play immediately.
So, Danny, in your supreme intelligence, what would you have done to punish the staff without any fall out to the players?
Originally posted by BradM
But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
Not a stretch at all. The players were cashing checks. They didn't write them, however. What don't you understand about that?
There is absolutely no way to punish the staff, without punishing the players. Even if you fire the entire staff, from the AD down, the players suffer. At least the NCAA gave the players an out, by allowing them to transfer and be eligible for play immediately.
So, Danny, in your supreme intelligence, what would you have done to punish the staff without any fall out to the players?
The players knew that pay for play was a violation.
There really isn't a way to punish the school without punishing the players, but that's life. When a large corporation goes down for mistakes they've made, the employees are still casualties, through no fault of their own. The NCAA was nice enough to give them a fighting chance at playing this season, though
Okay now that you've read that, do you understand why players cashing checks is a direct violation of NCAA rules? Or should I continue to explain?
There is absolutely no way to punish the staff, without punishing the players. Even if you fire the entire staff, from the AD down, the players suffer. At least the NCAA gave the players an out, by allowing them to transfer and be eligible for play immediately.
So, Danny, in your supreme intelligence, what would you have done to punish the staff without any fall out to the players?
My "supreme intelligence" tells me that no players have been punished. They have been given the option to transfer without penalty, or continue on their athletic scholarships at Penn State without actually playing football.
When the government pays, the government controls.
Okay now that you've read that, do you understand why players cashing checks is a direct violation of NCAA rules? Or should I continue to explain?
I'm not spoon fed information, and I don't need to read the clause. You are still missing the point, and you're a smart dude, so I'm baffled what you don't get.
I don't give two flying fucks what the clause says. The players did not write the checks. It wasn't their decision that players were going to be paid. Yes, they took the money... Who the fuck wouldn't? Don't sit here and tell me you wouldn't have your hand out when someone is trying to throw money at you. It was their decision to cash the checks, but it wasn't their decision to start a scandal.
My "supreme intelligence" tells me that no players have been punished. They have been given the option to transfer without penalty, or continue on their athletic scholarships at Penn State without actually playing football.
No, but it IS worse to punish players for something they weren't involved in
Psssttt.... The players got punished. Potential recruits got punished. Everyone got punished. Personally, I don't think they got punished enough. I can't wait to see the lawsuits that are going to be filed, won, and the amount of money they are going to have to pay out for their negligence and non action.
Originally posted by BradM
But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
Brent, this is ridiculous. I'm not chasing you down some fucking rabbit hole.
At SMU, everyone did something illegal, therefore everyone was punished.
At Penn State, only the faculty did illegal acts and covered them up, so only the staff were punished.
If you're going to argue that because Penn State is not going to compete, and therefore ~100 athletes are not getting to play, that that comprises a "punishment" to the players, then that is your opinion. I do not share it. The NCAA is not going to stop anyone from Penn State from playing ball, which means there is zero punishment to the players.
When the government pays, the government controls.
It's probably too late for the Sr class to transfer. Maybe even the Jr class to but the only ones that makes perfect sense is for the soph and fresh classes to move around. If this decision had come 6 months ago it'd be a different story. But this time of year any decent program will have their roster set...
I don't think there's a college team in the country who wouldn't make room for Gerald Hodges - stud middle linebacker playing at Linebacker U. If he could find a school running the same defense as Penn State, they would welcome him. This is supposed to be a rebuilding year and PSU doesn't have a lot of Senior talent.
Meh. You could say the players weren't involved, but I'd be shocked if there were players that didn't know what was going on, and if that's the case, they deserve blame too.
Beyond that... Players don't decide to pay themselves. The schools do that. So, in a way, you could say players weren't involved in that scandal, either, in a sense that they weren't the ones committing the scandal. Sure, they received checks, but who is going to turn down free money?