The head butt was blatant. Mayweather has ZERO losses for a reason. He's a smart fighter. So, the head butt cut Mayweather open a little bit (I think I heard that), so that gave Ortiz an unfair advantage for the rest of the fight as Ortiz would work on opening the cut up. So, they touch gloves, Mayweather has his hands up as he should, Ortiz hands are down and he got knocked the F out. Should Mayweather had waited another few seconds for it not to be a cheap shot to you guys calling it that?
Mayweather is still undefeated and Ortiz got knocked out like a little bitch. Mayweather is a cocky mofo, but he's earned it. I really hope he gets the balls to fight Pacman as that will be the real test.
Mayweather is still undefeated and Ortiz got knocked out like a little bitch. Mayweather is a cocky mofo, but he's earned it. I really hope he gets the balls to fight Pacman as that will be the real test.