Alright, so I just created the league, and here are the rules:
Reply to this with your email address, and team name, and I'll send you an invite
For you team name "Use your board name followed by whatever you want".
i.e. "bcoop's genital warts"
I'm Silverback's Stargazers
Confidence Points - No
Spread - No
Tiebreakers - No
Start Week - 1
Drop Scores - No, use all weeks
Deadline - 5 minutes before each game
Playoffs - Yes
You can set the league to remind you 1-2 days before your picks are due.
Reply to this with your email address, and team name, and I'll send you an invite
For you team name "Use your board name followed by whatever you want".
i.e. "bcoop's genital warts"
I'm Silverback's Stargazers

Confidence Points - No
Spread - No
Tiebreakers - No
Start Week - 1
Drop Scores - No, use all weeks
Deadline - 5 minutes before each game
Playoffs - Yes
You can set the league to remind you 1-2 days before your picks are due.