We here at LatemodelRestoration.com come to the rescue with an affordable solution. Our 50Resto Brand Mustang Sunroof Weatherstrip Kit will seal your sunroof up & keep the water where it belongs - outside! Installation is very straightforward and can be performed with only a tube of Permatex Ultra-Black, a pair of diagonal cutters (side-dikes), and a flat blade screwdriver.
A Fox Mustang with a factory installed sunroof will plague its owner by leaking at least once. This can wreak havoc on the headliner, upholstery, carpet, electrical connections ....... well just about the whole interior! While the carpet, upholstery, and electrical connections can be dried out, once the factory headliner board meets moisture, its toast. The main causes for Mustang Sunroof Leaks are faulty sunroof weatherstrip, plugged drain tubes, or a combo of both.