I'm still smiling from the deal I got this afternoon at GVF. I went in with the expectation that IF Skip could get me outta my Silverado and into a new GT, it'd be a base model at best and I would most likely have to walk away instead of settling for less than what I wanted. The opposite came true and he got me into a new 2014 GT/CS for barely more than I was paying on my truck and got me out of the lease almost a year early on a purchase with 0 down and ho-hummm credit. I swear somebody somewhere is gonna get pissed when they find out Skip isn't making any money on these cars, he can't be.
Anyways, THANKS again to Skip, Adam, Ryan and GV Ford. The reviews were right on the money and I'm gonna add to them.
Anyways, THANKS again to Skip, Adam, Ryan and GV Ford. The reviews were right on the money and I'm gonna add to them.
