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50 Squids, 1 Black Rover...

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  • Originally posted by talisman View Post
    I can't believe over 24k people have "liked" this page. No wonder this country is circling the drain.
    I'm willing to bet most of those 24k are there to troll and tell them what a pos the bikers were.
    I've say about 3-7 of those likes are actually sympathizers for jay.


    • Originally posted by CJ View Post
      So your evidence is based on hearsay from the criminals involved in this? So what you're saying is the sea of cameras probably in this ride all failed to catch the exonerating piece of evidence? Damn, what luck.
      I don't know the source of the account of the alleged earlier hit-and-run, but just that it has been alleged, and seems to explain the behavior of a motorcyclist intentionally stopping (the brake-checking) a motorist on a highway, like the guy in the white t-shirt did. Especially since stunting didn't immediately begin after the SUV stopped. And obviously, white t-shirt was expecting it possible to get hit/bumped or worse, he just brake-checked a full-size SUV (dangerous/risky) on the highway.

      I'd agree there is a credibility issue, if that story was from someone charged for criminal behavior in this whole mess. Certainly though, there must have been non-criminial (ie not charged/convicted) witnesses, so hopefully the verifiable-truth eventually comes out (with that needed credibility). Who knows though, even a truthful account (of the events prior to the mowing people over) from another motorcyclist on that ride will likely be light on credibility, just by proxy-association.



      • Originally posted by ScottJ View Post
        What you are referring to at about 1:00 in that video happened in the upper west side, I can tell because I used to live in the UWS and drove on west-side-highway daily. What I'm describing is an earlier collision that tool place further south (closer to downtown) on west-side-highway, before this video footage begins.

        Exactly, my motive-theory is that the rider in the white t-shirt brake-checked the SUV to force the driver to stop, and be delayed/detained to address a hit-and-run that allegedly had already taken place further south, that the driver was directly involved in.

        I'm in transit right now or I'd search for the account of this alleged earlier incident.
        The complete ride is captured on dozens of videos from different bikers. There is literally hours of the event in total from different angles and yet out of all of them the specific incident you mention is not recorded. It is just rumored.

        You mention where the specific encounters happened, did you factor in that this event happened in a spread of over 30 minutes, of which at times where at very high speeds?

        I'll just say this, I think the driver of the SUV expressed extreme reserve. You can claim what you choose, all 100+ of these punks lives added together do not even come close to that of my family, I would have, and will do so if the need arises, run every one of them down if they chose to hamper my attempt to get my family to safety. It may piss off all of the wannabe stunters out there, but if the choice comes down to saving my family from a threat or you getting your skull run down by 4000 pounds of SUV, you are going under the chassis.

        Originally posted by SSMAN
        ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.


        • I haven't seen any other video-footage of this ride, just the widely viral one that begins just before that white t-shirt guy brake-checked the SUV, and people/bikes started getting ran over. Any links on that other footage?

          Has anyone heard any (other) theories on motive, for why white t-shirt break-checked the SUV? Seems like an awful risky thing to do, unless there was some reasoning there (rational or otherwise); I sure as hell would never do that on a bike, to a car!



          • ? An off-duty undercover cop who claimed he took no active role as fellow bikers pulled a Manhattan dad from his SUV and beat him to a pulp?actually?furiously slapped the car’s?back wind…

            Even one of the cops PARTICIPATED in the beat down, not just witnessed.


            • Simple solution here. If you don't want to get mowed down don't stop in front of an SUV on the highway. Dumbass squids.


              • I'm amazed at how people can still attempt to defend the actions of these idiots. It is like them endangering the lives of THOUSANDS of people along this 'ride' make no difference.

                By the way, a ten second search on youtube pops over an hour of the 'ride' broken in half a dozen or so parts that was filmed by one guy alone.

                Originally posted by SSMAN
                ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.


                • I'd have done the same thing, with 2 minor differences:

                  1.) I'd have run over more bike(s/rs)
                  2.) I'd have been shooting

                  Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


                  • Originally posted by Bputacoma View Post
                    Where were the cops? oh right there...

                    Originally posted by Magnus View Post

                    Even one of the cops PARTICIPATED in the beat down, not just witnessed.
                    Just came across that too.


                    • This just in!

                      The New York City police detective, who was off duty during the episode last month, was seen on video pounding his fists into the back of the vehicle.

                      An undercover New York City police detective who was among a group of motorcyclists chasing a sport utility vehicle on the West Side of Manhattan last month was arrested on Tuesday evening for his role in the episode, in which the vehicle was damaged and the driver was beaten, the police said.
                      There's more in the link.


                      • I've seen reports that there were 5 cops and a few of them were actually involved in beating on the SUV which caused the initial take off.
                        I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                        • Originally posted by stevo View Post
                          I'm amazed at how people can still attempt to defend the actions of these idiots. It is like them endangering the lives of THOUSANDS of people along this 'ride' make no difference.

                          By the way, a ten second search on youtube pops over an hour of the 'ride' broken in half a dozen or so parts that was filmed by one guy alone.

                          I'll defend them because I am a biker and always will be. There is evidence that the earlier incident did happen (it was on Sean Hannity tonight as well) and after watching the video several times, I saw no one do anything other than what appears to be them telling him to stay put. Regardless, he had no right to run those people or their property over, I saw no threat being presented. Why would they have been trying to get him to stop? Do you think they picked him out at random to harrass?

                          I personally have been deliberatly swerved at and almost hit on my bike by some punk ass kids who appeared to be in their early 20's. We as a group pulled them on to the shoulder and asked them "What the F#$k?" They said they were just playing around and started laughing. I'll bet the driver didn't think it was to funny after I put all of my weight behind the punch he got through his window. People do not have any regard for motorcyclists and in my opinion the driver of this SUV got everything he desrved. He's probably lucky it didn't happen here in Texas because he would probably gotten his ass shot.
                          '08 C6 Corvette
                          '91 StormTrooper BBC Coupe
                          Run what ya brung, hope ya brought enuff!!


                          • Originally posted by Zeus The LSX Coupe View Post
                            I'll defend them because I am a biker and always will be. There is evidence that the earlier incident did happen (it was on Sean Hannity tonight as well) and after watching the video several times, I saw no one do anything other than what appears to be them telling him to stay put. Regardless, he had no right to run those people or their property over, I saw no threat being presented. Why would they have been trying to get him to stop? Do you think they picked him out at random to harrass?

                            I personally have been deliberatly swerved at and almost hit on my bike by some punk ass kids who appeared to be in their early 20's. We as a group pulled them on to the shoulder and asked them "What the F#$k?" They said they were just playing around and started laughing. I'll bet the driver didn't think it was to funny after I put all of my weight behind the punch he got through his window. People do not have any regard for motorcyclists and in my opinion the driver of this SUV got everything he desrved. He's probably lucky it didn't happen here in Texas because he would probably gotten his ass shot.
                            Pretty sure if it happened here in Texas it would have been a big brodozer that would have mowed them down and then shot the other fucks for bashing in the window. I agree with you that cars/trucks/suvs, dont have any regard for motorcyclists. Think about it realistically. If youre not a biker, and you have your FAMILY in the vehicle, something happenes and say you accidently bump a bike. now all of a sudden you have over 100 other bikers surrounding you trying to get you to pull over. considering the reputation bikers have... yeah, he did what any other "non biker" would have done. now if it would have been only one or two guys the tried to get the suv to pull over and waved the others to stay back, MIGHT have gone a bit differently.


                            • Originally posted by Zeus The LSX Coupe View Post
                              I'll defend them because I am a biker and always will be. There is evidence that the earlier incident did happen (it was on Sean Hannity tonight as well) and after watching the video several times, I saw no one do anything other than what appears to be them telling him to stay put. Regardless, he had no right to run those people or their property over, I saw no threat being presented. Why would they have been trying to get him to stop? Do you think they picked him out at random to harrass?

                              I personally have been deliberatly swerved at and almost hit on my bike by some punk ass kids who appeared to be in their early 20's. We as a group pulled them on to the shoulder and asked them "What the F#$k?" They said they were just playing around and started laughing. I'll bet the driver didn't think it was to funny after I put all of my weight behind the punch he got through his window. People do not have any regard for motorcyclists and in my opinion the driver of this SUV got everything he desrved. He's probably lucky it didn't happen here in Texas because he would probably gotten his ass shot.
                              You are defending the same group who attacked a prius two two years earlier because he honked at them while they were running red lights. Biker or not those guys were out of line and deserved to be run over.once they started engaging the range rover.
                              Originally posted by Theodore Roosevelt
                              It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming...


                              • some real badasses in here...

                                we need exlude in here, and only then will the thread be complete

